Colombo Aquatest Test Lab Professional is an advanced, complete test kit with professional dripping tests for testing the water in your Tropical Aquarium, Salt water Aquarium or Pond. It is vital to test the quality of your water to ensure your fish thrive in the healthiest environment you can possibly provide.
Having poor water quality can cause diseases and complications for your fish, therefore the Colombo Aquatest Kit is essential for any fish keeper.
Inside of the case there are test tubes, colour charts, a syringe and a manual. There are 250 tests in total and the test tubes can also be washed and reused for different tests.
Pond, Fresh & Sea Water Test Kit
Hard Carry Case
Reusable Test Tubes
Complete All-in-One Kit
Tests for pH, KH, GH, NH3, NO2, NO3 & PO4